Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Ben & Harry at play having a wrestle and a general wriggle about

The Wrestling match started out nicely, Ben giving Harry a loving kiss and a sloppy head suck.

Then there was a brief lull in the wrestling contest when both parties needed a breather:

Then it was down to the serious stuff, the suits came off and things got a little dirty, Ben clearly doesn't know that when wrestling you aren't allowed to 'Fish Hook'

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mmmmmmm Tasty !

Who needs supper when you've got a sock !
Photo and title says it all :-)

Ben having a good old munch:

Friday, October 21, 2005

9 months old today !

Harry & Ben are 9 months old today !
It seems like ages ago when they were in hospital, but it was only 9 months ago.
They are doing amazingly well and they were weighed yesterday.
Harry is 16.2 lbs and Ben is 15.12 lbs.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The things people say !

Ok, weird week. Last Friday I was walking with the boys past the local primary school. It was lunch time and the primary school children were out at play. As I walked past the school playground, one little boy called out to me, the conversation went like this.

Little boy - 'That's a cute baby'
Me - 'Thanks'
Little boy - 'Oh you've got two babies !'
Little boy shouting at the top of his voice to all his mates -

His mates turned round, looked at him in a funny way and then went back to playing. Whilst I hurried along :-)

The next day, on the same foot path, I passed a little old lady, the typical stereo type of a nice little old gray haired pensioner.

She smiled sweetly and said:
'Oh twins, make the most of it, they'll soon grow up you know.'

Me: 'Thanks'

Old biddy: 'Are they much trouble'

Me: 'not really, they are a little grumpy today, because they need their sleep and they don't want to go to sleep'

Old Biddy: 'Ah, mined used to be the same, if they didn't fall asleep I would put them in the pram and shake them and if that didn't work, I would put them in the bright sunlight and that would make them close their eyes'

So the old fashion cure for sleepless babies is to shake them into unconsciousness and burn out their retinas ! - Ah the good old days

The weekend was nice, our friend Julia came over and we went to our favourite picnic spot Mottisfont Abbey It was a lovely day out and it was nice to see our friend Julia.

Sunday was a bit of a bugger as one of my fillings fell out of my tooth, so I have had to have an emergency appointment this morning. The dentist gave me a temporary filling until he can see me again, which won't be until the 23rd December !!!!
And this is a private dentist, I hate to think what sort of service the patients get on the NHS !

Ho Hum, that is all for now.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Great Escape Part 2

On Wednesday night Carol and I escaped !
Carols parents baby sat for us and Carol & I went for a meal with her friends from work. There is a Chinese restaurant in town that does an evening buffet and for those of you that used to work with me at MRO, it's just like Petes Palace.

It was a lovely evening and we really enjoyed our first night out since the boys were born.

The boys behaved themselves and slept through the night, so Carols parents didn't have any crying babies to contend with. Although I am sure Carols mum wouldn't have minded a bit, crying babies = cuddling, so she would have been happy even if they had :-)

The boys did get their revenge on us for going out without them, 4.30 am the next morning they decided to wake up early and that wasn't much fun. The upside of that was that they did sleep a lot during the day so it was quite nice and I did get the chance to catch up with housework.

Sorry the photos aren't great we took them with my mobile phone as I didn't have the camera nearby at the time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Funny Fingers & Tasty Toes

Shame I can't link sound files to this blog. Ben the other night discovered his fingers and realised that he controlled them. He lay in his cot giggling his head off and waggling his fingers, clenching and unclenching his hands. Judging by his laughter this is the funniest thing in the world. I managed to record his giggling and it is very funny he sounds like he is on helium

Harry has also made this discovery a few days before but it was just a fascination and not a hysterical past time.

Ben & Harry have also discovered their toes and these are great play things. Ben has managed to stick his toes in his mouth and they sure are tasty !

Harry has managed this yet, but he is getting pretty close to it :-)

Here is Ben showing off his toes to the world:

Thursday, October 06, 2005


We now live in our very own House of Poo with an inbuilt Vomitorium. Let me explain....

What they don't tell you about in Baby books is that when your Babies start teething the contents of their nappies become indescribably evil. The smell is so over powering that it makes your eyes water, the insides of your nostrals feel like they are burning and in general you feel violated. These nappies really are the original weapons of mass destruction. No wonder the Geneva Convention banned chemical and biological weapons.

Ok I acknowledge that it can't be much fun for our babies either. However they don't seem to care. Gone of the days when Harry would scream his head off if his nappy was slightly wet, oh no.....

Harry has a new trick, when he is sat in his chair he will start to arch his back and then flatten himself out repeatedly. This basically pumps/squirts the contents of his nappy half way up his back and maximizes the area of devastation. What adds insult to injury is that when you change him he tries to put his feet in the soiled nappy whilst grabbing your hand and smiling proudly at his muck spreading abilities.

Ben on the other hand still has reflux and is sick after most meals. Sometimes a tiny amount other times he produces a pavement pizza a Friday night drunken docker would be proud of. This means a mountain of washing each week and another curious smell that has invaded our house.

The boys were weighed the last Friday and Harry now weighs a wopping 15.6 lbs whilst Ben weighs 15.2 lbs. Unfortunately Bens reflux means that he doesn't digest as much food as Harry so he is slightly smaller now. All being well once they are both fully weaned onto solids Bens reflux will stop. Until then Carol and I will have to accept that we now live in a house that smells like an open sewer and with summer gone we can't really open our windows and get a breeze through to clear the air, the boys would get too cold.

The things you do / endure for love !

I shall delight in reminding the boys of what they put us through on their respective wedding days :-)

Revenge is so very very sweet.

Needless to say there won't be any photographs of this subject matter for you to enjoy !

Monday, October 03, 2005

Babies Big Day Out

Well we survived our first time away from home as a family !

We set off to the Lake District at about 9am on Friday and we got to the Grange Over Sands at about 4pm. The journey wasn't too bad but the motorway near Birmingham was slow as there were 3 lots of 40 mph road works which took ages to get through.

My cousin Kirstys wedding was all set for Saturday in a methodist church in the middle of Kendal. So we were able to drive up on the Friday and settle into the hotel the day before. The Grange Hotel at Grange Over Sands is about 30 minutes away from Kendal and the church Our hotel looked out over the bay towards Morecombe.

The weekend went well, Kirsty and Christopher looked great, the weather was not too good but the rain held off for some wedding photos so that is ok.

It has to be said that the boys were amazingly well behaved considering that it was a new environment and not there normal cot etc. They had a bit of a cry on the way home and Carol sat in the back of the car with them and kept them from getting bored. Luckily they started crying when we were only about 30 miles from home so it wasn't too bad and once Carol was sat between the car seats and playing with the boys they were good as gold again.

It was lovely seeing all my Mums side of the family and relatives that I haven't seen in ages. Needless to say Carol & I were background accessories, Harry & Ben stole the lime light and really enjoyed getting loads of attention.

Anyway enough talk, here are the photos.

Grange Over Sands:

Our Hotel, The Grange:

Kirsty and Christopher:

Harry & Ben playing in our hotel room:

Harry & Ben fast asleep after all the attention on Kirstys wedding day, I took this picture in the pitch black hotel room and hoped that, a) I had framed it right & b) that the flash won't wake the boys. As it turned out the photo came out a little bit blurred, but the boys slept on regardless.

One last thing, Carol & her family always take the mickey out of me for being a Northerner and the way I say Bath, Bun and Bus. But I would like to point out that within 4 hours of Carol being 'Up North' she had utter the phrase, 'By eck as like'
so perhaps there is hope for her yet :-)