Babies Big Day Out
Well we survived our first time away from home as a family !
We set off to the Lake District at about 9am on Friday and we got to the Grange Over Sands at about 4pm. The journey wasn't too bad but the motorway near Birmingham was slow as there were 3 lots of 40 mph road works which took ages to get through.
My cousin Kirstys wedding was all set for Saturday in a methodist church in the middle of Kendal. So we were able to drive up on the Friday and settle into the hotel the day before. The Grange Hotel at Grange Over Sands is about 30 minutes away from Kendal and the church Our hotel looked out over the bay towards Morecombe.
The weekend went well, Kirsty and Christopher looked great, the weather was not too good but the rain held off for some wedding photos so that is ok.
It has to be said that the boys were amazingly well behaved considering that it was a new environment and not there normal cot etc. They had a bit of a cry on the way home and Carol sat in the back of the car with them and kept them from getting bored. Luckily they started crying when we were only about 30 miles from home so it wasn't too bad and once Carol was sat between the car seats and playing with the boys they were good as gold again.
It was lovely seeing all my Mums side of the family and relatives that I haven't seen in ages. Needless to say Carol & I were background accessories, Harry & Ben stole the lime light and really enjoyed getting loads of attention.
Anyway enough talk, here are the photos.
Grange Over Sands:

Our Hotel, The Grange:

Kirsty and Christopher:

Harry & Ben playing in our hotel room:

Harry & Ben fast asleep after all the attention on Kirstys wedding day, I took this picture in the pitch black hotel room and hoped that, a) I had framed it right & b) that the flash won't wake the boys. As it turned out the photo came out a little bit blurred, but the boys slept on regardless.

One last thing, Carol & her family always take the mickey out of me for being a Northerner and the way I say Bath, Bun and Bus. But I would like to point out that within 4 hours of Carol being 'Up North' she had utter the phrase, 'By eck as like'
so perhaps there is hope for her yet :-)
We set off to the Lake District at about 9am on Friday and we got to the Grange Over Sands at about 4pm. The journey wasn't too bad but the motorway near Birmingham was slow as there were 3 lots of 40 mph road works which took ages to get through.
My cousin Kirstys wedding was all set for Saturday in a methodist church in the middle of Kendal. So we were able to drive up on the Friday and settle into the hotel the day before. The Grange Hotel at Grange Over Sands is about 30 minutes away from Kendal and the church Our hotel looked out over the bay towards Morecombe.
The weekend went well, Kirsty and Christopher looked great, the weather was not too good but the rain held off for some wedding photos so that is ok.
It has to be said that the boys were amazingly well behaved considering that it was a new environment and not there normal cot etc. They had a bit of a cry on the way home and Carol sat in the back of the car with them and kept them from getting bored. Luckily they started crying when we were only about 30 miles from home so it wasn't too bad and once Carol was sat between the car seats and playing with the boys they were good as gold again.
It was lovely seeing all my Mums side of the family and relatives that I haven't seen in ages. Needless to say Carol & I were background accessories, Harry & Ben stole the lime light and really enjoyed getting loads of attention.
Anyway enough talk, here are the photos.
Grange Over Sands:
Our Hotel, The Grange:
Kirsty and Christopher:

Harry & Ben playing in our hotel room:

Harry & Ben fast asleep after all the attention on Kirstys wedding day, I took this picture in the pitch black hotel room and hoped that, a) I had framed it right & b) that the flash won't wake the boys. As it turned out the photo came out a little bit blurred, but the boys slept on regardless.

One last thing, Carol & her family always take the mickey out of me for being a Northerner and the way I say Bath, Bun and Bus. But I would like to point out that within 4 hours of Carol being 'Up North' she had utter the phrase, 'By eck as like'
so perhaps there is hope for her yet :-)
Simon, I love that pic where they're both smiling away! SOOO CUTE!!! You'll have to bring them in for a visit again - it would be great!
Take care!
Yes that is a great photo, unfortunately I can't take credit for it. Carol took that one and she did a fab job of it, I think it is a lovely photo of the boys. Glad you liked it.
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