My brother Benpf
Harry & Ben were very lucky boys and got a slide for their birthday from Nanny & Grandpa. They had to wait as the stupid shops all assumed that no one wanted to buy slides in Winter, eventually they started stocking the slides again and the boys got their present. It is meant for the garden but we let them have it in the lounge for a few days before we put it outside.
As you can see they love their slide:

Harry has finally learnt his brothers name, but he pronounces it Benpf instead of Ben. It is very funny, Ben is talking lots more now and is desperate to say things all the time. The strange thing is he learns new words says them, then never really repeats them. It's like 'I've learnt that one now, bored of it, teach me a new one' and doesn't say them again.
Carol and Nanny & Grandpa took the boys out last Sunday, which turned out to be a trial. Ben got into a right strop and was very badly behaved. He was having such fun walking and running around, but fell over and grazed all his face, the day went pretty much down hill from there. Harry has also managed to give himself a carpet burn by rubbing his forehead on the carpet, (exactly like Ben did last year - see previous post). Anyway here are the war wounds:

As you can see they love their slide:
Harry has finally learnt his brothers name, but he pronounces it Benpf instead of Ben. It is very funny, Ben is talking lots more now and is desperate to say things all the time. The strange thing is he learns new words says them, then never really repeats them. It's like 'I've learnt that one now, bored of it, teach me a new one' and doesn't say them again.
Carol and Nanny & Grandpa took the boys out last Sunday, which turned out to be a trial. Ben got into a right strop and was very badly behaved. He was having such fun walking and running around, but fell over and grazed all his face, the day went pretty much down hill from there. Harry has also managed to give himself a carpet burn by rubbing his forehead on the carpet, (exactly like Ben did last year - see previous post). Anyway here are the war wounds: