Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sniffles & Sorry

Well we all still have a cold, luckily Carol seems to have escaped it. The boys and I seem to be passing it back and forth between us. So they little men are a bit fed up and grizzly, probably a bit stir crazy being stuck indoors so much. Our friend Julia and Carol took the boys out last weekend, so they did escape for a little while. They have new wellington boots or as we like to call them 'Puddle Busters'. So last weekend Harry & Ben had their first bash at stomping in muddy puddles, which they apparently loved. I stayed at home and had a break, so there are no photos of them splashing in the puddles.

Harry is still Thomas mad and he has a little Thomas the Tank Engine book, that has little pictures on the back cover of all the other books. All day long Harry just wants me to point to each of these pictures and recite the names of the different engines. It is wearing a little thin to say the least :-)

He has also decided that he likes the sound of the word 'Sorry' so he is saying Sorry all the time, over and over, but to add insult to injury he puts on this little hurt look when he says it !

I promise to take so more photos soon and post them here. Until then take care.


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