Thursday, October 26, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Diaper Disaster !
At breakfast when the boys have just got up, we change them. The night time nappies are thrown away and they have clean little bums and fresh nappies. About an hour later Ben needs changing again because he 'been', and sometime shortly after that Harry needs changing to.
But not today...
6.30am fresh nappies for both boys.
7.30am both boys are still clean, no sign of a soiled nappy.
8.30am / 9.30am / 10.30am Nothing from either of them.
11.30am The boys start their lunch.
12pm, The boys are put to bed for their mid day nap. Still no soiled nappies. Although I have changed them to ensure that they aren't sat in wet nappies.
2pm, Harry wakes up so I go up stairs to get him, half way up the stairs the smell hits and I know it's going to be bad. I walk into their bedroom and the smell is unreal, I look into Harry's cot and discover that not only has he soiled his nappy, but he has also soiled everything in sight, Dear God in heaven, how can one little boy make so much poo. It just isn't right, it's just defies all the laws of nature. So the clean up begins. Harry first, then his bedding. Harry is smiling through out the whole process, like it is some achievement to be proud of. Then I have to strip his bed and get all the stuff in the washing machine. Despite the smell, and the noise of me stripping the bed and the creaking floor boards, Ben sleep on regardless.
It is now 3.30pm, Ben has not yet soiled a nappy today and I am afraid, very afraid...............
But not today...
6.30am fresh nappies for both boys.
7.30am both boys are still clean, no sign of a soiled nappy.
8.30am / 9.30am / 10.30am Nothing from either of them.
11.30am The boys start their lunch.
12pm, The boys are put to bed for their mid day nap. Still no soiled nappies. Although I have changed them to ensure that they aren't sat in wet nappies.
2pm, Harry wakes up so I go up stairs to get him, half way up the stairs the smell hits and I know it's going to be bad. I walk into their bedroom and the smell is unreal, I look into Harry's cot and discover that not only has he soiled his nappy, but he has also soiled everything in sight, Dear God in heaven, how can one little boy make so much poo. It just isn't right, it's just defies all the laws of nature. So the clean up begins. Harry first, then his bedding. Harry is smiling through out the whole process, like it is some achievement to be proud of. Then I have to strip his bed and get all the stuff in the washing machine. Despite the smell, and the noise of me stripping the bed and the creaking floor boards, Ben sleep on regardless.
It is now 3.30pm, Ben has not yet soiled a nappy today and I am afraid, very afraid...............
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
History Matters
Today I took part in the online history blog being run by the National Trust. For one day (today) they are collecting diary entries from anyone in the UK. To compile a snapshot of 21st century everyday life on todays date. This database will be stored by the British Library for people to use as a research tool for centuries to come. It will be cool to see what people did on todays date, what kind of lives they lead and the type of work they did. It will give future generations the chance to read about the kind of people, lifestyles and places we live in today.
Please take part and take your place in history !
Please take part and take your place in history !
Friday, October 13, 2006
Film Making ,The House of Fear & Tornados
Sorry, not written for ages again !
The boys are doing well, Harry counts up to 7 now and will play a game where you say the odd numbers and he will say the even ones !
Ben is talking lots too, not much coherent stuff but really chatting a lot and coming along nicely.
The other day I was in the kitchen when Ben let out an ear splitting scream I popped my head round the door and Ben was stood in the middle of the lounge crying his little head off with no obvious reason why.
The next day at the same time, he does it again. This time I realised what it was, there is a children's program called 'Step Inside' and it features a magical cottage that has a face on the outside wall. It is this face that was upsetting Ben so much.
That was my theory anyway. Like all theories it needed testing, so as an experiment I was sat down with Ben the following day and sure enough when the program came on and the face appeared it freaked him out. A little cruel of me I know, but I had to make sure that was what the problem was and nothing else.
Unfortunately the next day I was sorting out the laundry in the kitchen and forgot the program was on. Again I had a traumatized Ben to deal with. I felt really guilty and I am sure he'll need therapy if he sees it again :-(
The offending cottage:

I have always fancied photographing & filming a tornado, but these storm chasing holidays in the US are silly money and I have more important things to spend Carols money on :-)
Imagine how pissed off I was when there was a photo in the local paper of a tornado above Andover. Even worse it was practically over our house. If I had only looked out of the window during the storm I would have seen it. Gutted ! - My only consolation was that it was a very small partly formed one.

Whilst on the subject of filming.....
When the boys were born we bought a video camera. I am so glad we did as we have got some amazing video of the boys growing up. This has lead me to creating DVD's of the boys for close family & friends. I have done two so far, one of the boys first 3 months when they were in hospital and a second that covered all the stuff we did during their first year. The second DVD had a couple of daft extras on the end, one was of the boys 'dancing' which was pretty funny to see.
I am currently editing the third film, which covers their second year. I have recently got a professional video editing package and it is awesome. Very easy to use and unlike the free Microsoft Movie Maker, it doesn't crash every 5 minutes (no I am not exaggerating! Movie Maker really is that bad, but hey it's free.) Anyway I have got some good footage of the boys and the film is coming together nicely. I have made several short daft pieces of the DVD extras and I must admit I am a big kid and got totally carried away with the jokey stuff. I gave Carol a sneak preview of them the other day and she really liked them, so that's good.
Both Ben and Harry have mastered the art of sofa scaling. They can climb onto the sofa in less than a second and fall off it face first just as fast. So when I have to leave the room I have to lay the upright cushions from the back of the sofa, flat on the seat cushions to make the front of the sofa too high for the boys to climb.
Occasionally they get up onto the sofa so fast I don't have time to 'put the barriers up':

The boys are doing well, Harry counts up to 7 now and will play a game where you say the odd numbers and he will say the even ones !
Ben is talking lots too, not much coherent stuff but really chatting a lot and coming along nicely.
The other day I was in the kitchen when Ben let out an ear splitting scream I popped my head round the door and Ben was stood in the middle of the lounge crying his little head off with no obvious reason why.
The next day at the same time, he does it again. This time I realised what it was, there is a children's program called 'Step Inside' and it features a magical cottage that has a face on the outside wall. It is this face that was upsetting Ben so much.
That was my theory anyway. Like all theories it needed testing, so as an experiment I was sat down with Ben the following day and sure enough when the program came on and the face appeared it freaked him out. A little cruel of me I know, but I had to make sure that was what the problem was and nothing else.
Unfortunately the next day I was sorting out the laundry in the kitchen and forgot the program was on. Again I had a traumatized Ben to deal with. I felt really guilty and I am sure he'll need therapy if he sees it again :-(
The offending cottage:

I have always fancied photographing & filming a tornado, but these storm chasing holidays in the US are silly money and I have more important things to spend Carols money on :-)
Imagine how pissed off I was when there was a photo in the local paper of a tornado above Andover. Even worse it was practically over our house. If I had only looked out of the window during the storm I would have seen it. Gutted ! - My only consolation was that it was a very small partly formed one.

Whilst on the subject of filming.....
When the boys were born we bought a video camera. I am so glad we did as we have got some amazing video of the boys growing up. This has lead me to creating DVD's of the boys for close family & friends. I have done two so far, one of the boys first 3 months when they were in hospital and a second that covered all the stuff we did during their first year. The second DVD had a couple of daft extras on the end, one was of the boys 'dancing' which was pretty funny to see.
I am currently editing the third film, which covers their second year. I have recently got a professional video editing package and it is awesome. Very easy to use and unlike the free Microsoft Movie Maker, it doesn't crash every 5 minutes (no I am not exaggerating! Movie Maker really is that bad, but hey it's free.) Anyway I have got some good footage of the boys and the film is coming together nicely. I have made several short daft pieces of the DVD extras and I must admit I am a big kid and got totally carried away with the jokey stuff. I gave Carol a sneak preview of them the other day and she really liked them, so that's good.
Both Ben and Harry have mastered the art of sofa scaling. They can climb onto the sofa in less than a second and fall off it face first just as fast. So when I have to leave the room I have to lay the upright cushions from the back of the sofa, flat on the seat cushions to make the front of the sofa too high for the boys to climb.
Occasionally they get up onto the sofa so fast I don't have time to 'put the barriers up':