Rough & Tumble
The boys are really playing well together now. Chasing each other around the room and giggling their little heads off.
We had them weighed the other day, Harry is 22lb and Ben is 20.11lb so they are coming along nicely.
I have attached photos below taken with my camera when it was set up wrong. Somehow I had changed the type of flash it was using, so the photos were coming out blurred. Still I think they are nice photos and they do show the boys having fun and playing together.

We had them weighed the other day, Harry is 22lb and Ben is 20.11lb so they are coming along nicely.
I have attached photos below taken with my camera when it was set up wrong. Somehow I had changed the type of flash it was using, so the photos were coming out blurred. Still I think they are nice photos and they do show the boys having fun and playing together.