What a morning I had yesterday, Harry filled 4 nappies in the space of 10 minutes !
I was not amused, but how can you get mad a little baby, he is just doing what all babies do. But 4 nappies in 10 minutes, what's that about !!!!
This is the funny thing about becoming a parent, you no longer have mature adult conversations. Your sole topics of discussion revolve around nappies, feeding/weening, how much your babies weigh and their development and of course the major topic of - sleep and how much or little you are getting.
Every two weeks there is a local twins group called Twingos and we try and get along to each meeting. Here we meet and socialize with other parents of twins and their (mostly) lovely babies and toddlers. Obviously there are some that are not so well behaved, but it is nice to be able to talk to parents in similar positions. We have learnt that actually our boys are pretty well behaved and are doing ok where the sleep patterns are concerned. They are sleeping from about 7pm through to about 4.30am. So this is not too bad. Both Harry and Ben are put to bed when they are slightly dozy and they get themselves off to sleep without us having to rock them etc as some parents do.
One of the things that we all complain about as parents of twins is the fact that you can't go shopping or anything without some brain dead individual saying one of the following witty comments:
Oh are they twins ?
Oh are they identical ?
Oh double trouble (this one really pisses me off)
Oh twins, you've got your hands full there
Oh how old are they (ok all parents get this one)
Or a combination of the above. Also I don't know why but they all start of the 'oh'
trust me I am not making this up.
The problem is that this happens dozens of times during any outing and it gets really boring very quickly.
What is also really annoying is that people think they have the right to just butt into any conversation you might be having and start talking to you about your babies. No excuse me or anything. It's so rude.
Luckily our pram, a Jane Power Twin is an inline pram with one baby behind the other, so if you are quick you can be past the casual observer before they have spotted that it is not just one baby and you prevent the predicable catch phrases !
Just as well as you'd never get any shopping done