Mini Me
Carol has now nick named Harry - 'Mini Me' because he has started to suck on his bottom lip. This was something I used to do all the time when I was a baby/child (and still do when I am asleep and when I am concentrating hard on something).
He also snores loudly and looks like me, whilst Ben looks more like Carols brother Robert.
Anyway Mini Me and Ben are doing fine and are growing rapidly. They were weighed again this week and are both around the 12lb mark.
Harry is smiling all the time now and Ben is catching up with him in the smiling stakes as well.
Sleep wise they are getting better, we bath and feed them around the 6pm mark and they are in bed by 6.30pm. They then sleep through to around 2.30am and are fed again. Between 5am and 5.30am they wake up and want to be entertained and play, which is a bit of a bugger as we'd like to still be asleep, so we take it in turns to go downstairs with them and play with them until the breakfast time which is around 6.30am to 7am.
Having said that we put them to bed in their nursery at 6.30pm last night and they slept through to 3.30am which was lovely :-)
We have recently taking part in some testing for Tamba (Twins and multiple birth association). They sent us a pram to test and write a review of it. The 'beastie' arrived the other day and it was huge and weighs a bloody tonne. It weighs in at approx 3 stone ! and that is just the pram, not including the extra weight of the twins.
In short my review read, the pram is beautifully built, will last a lifetime and would probably be around for your childrens children, because it is built like a tank, unfortunately is weighs similar to one as well.
This is the pram
It is a pretty sweet deal testing for Tamba and their magazine. You get to keep the products for as long as you like ! When you are finished with them they are sent out to families that can't afford stuff themselves, so needless to say no one really hangs on to the items being tested and they get sent out to the needy asap.
The manufacturers donate all the equipment for free, so it is a very good charity type thing.
I pity whoever gets this pram though, they will need to have a big garage & car boot and be built like the Hulk in order to lift the damn thing :-)
He also snores loudly and looks like me, whilst Ben looks more like Carols brother Robert.
Anyway Mini Me and Ben are doing fine and are growing rapidly. They were weighed again this week and are both around the 12lb mark.
Harry is smiling all the time now and Ben is catching up with him in the smiling stakes as well.
Sleep wise they are getting better, we bath and feed them around the 6pm mark and they are in bed by 6.30pm. They then sleep through to around 2.30am and are fed again. Between 5am and 5.30am they wake up and want to be entertained and play, which is a bit of a bugger as we'd like to still be asleep, so we take it in turns to go downstairs with them and play with them until the breakfast time which is around 6.30am to 7am.
Having said that we put them to bed in their nursery at 6.30pm last night and they slept through to 3.30am which was lovely :-)
We have recently taking part in some testing for Tamba (Twins and multiple birth association). They sent us a pram to test and write a review of it. The 'beastie' arrived the other day and it was huge and weighs a bloody tonne. It weighs in at approx 3 stone ! and that is just the pram, not including the extra weight of the twins.
In short my review read, the pram is beautifully built, will last a lifetime and would probably be around for your childrens children, because it is built like a tank, unfortunately is weighs similar to one as well.
This is the pram
It is a pretty sweet deal testing for Tamba and their magazine. You get to keep the products for as long as you like ! When you are finished with them they are sent out to families that can't afford stuff themselves, so needless to say no one really hangs on to the items being tested and they get sent out to the needy asap.
The manufacturers donate all the equipment for free, so it is a very good charity type thing.
I pity whoever gets this pram though, they will need to have a big garage & car boot and be built like the Hulk in order to lift the damn thing :-)

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