The Humour of Harry & Flour Power
Every now and then Harry just comes out with something hysterical. Be it something that he says or does. Ben is equally funny, but more in his actions and the way he looks at you in the ultra cute way that he does. Ben has the most infections chuckle ever and just cracks me up.
The other day Harry was having a pee, we are just at that stage now where he does everything himself, ie lifts the lid/seat, drops trousers and aims etc. The only help he needs from me is sometimes getting his trousers back up and help at the sink washing his hands afterwards as the taps are a little too high for him to reach and turn on.
So picture the scene if you will, Harry has gone to the loo
'I want to do it all by my own Daddy'
'By yourself Harry'
'Yes, all on my self'
'OK' - (Sometimes it is just too much like hard work trying to correct his English at this stage.)
Harry promptly 'went through the motions' and on finishing his 'Pee' - he gave a little shake and looked at me and sang 'Drip went the Weasel' and giggled himself silly.
Now where the hell did he hear that !!!
Carol came home the other evening and the boys were lounging on the sofa watching CBeebies and said to Harry,
'Where have you been today Harry'
He promptly pulled his playschool sweatshirt taut and looked down at the playgroup emblem on it and then looked back up and Carol and said 'We've been to Little School' and gave her a look of 'What are you blind or stupid', kind of expression !!!
I swear he is 4 going on 14 sometimes. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come, I really don't want a 'Harry Enfield - Kevin' type teenager as a son !
Now I kind of need to take you back a few weeks, as I forgot to mention some fun we had when the Snow was thick outside and we had to find fun indoors.
My friend Claire had given the boys two kits for making Gingerbread Men and the boys had a great time mixing all the ingredients together. Now we had sometime before they were finished in the Oven and Carol realized that the flour that we had used from our cupboard was close to it's expiration date, so she thought it would be fun for the boys to have a play with it whilst we waiting for their G'men to finish baking. This was a great idea, well....perhaps if it wasn't for the fact that Carol had spent the morning spring cleaning the Kitchen. Ho hum, the boys had a blast. The best game was to make a little mountain out of the flour and then slam their hands down onto it sending a shower of flour everywhere :)

The other day Harry was having a pee, we are just at that stage now where he does everything himself, ie lifts the lid/seat, drops trousers and aims etc. The only help he needs from me is sometimes getting his trousers back up and help at the sink washing his hands afterwards as the taps are a little too high for him to reach and turn on.
So picture the scene if you will, Harry has gone to the loo
'I want to do it all by my own Daddy'
'By yourself Harry'
'Yes, all on my self'
'OK' - (Sometimes it is just too much like hard work trying to correct his English at this stage.)
Harry promptly 'went through the motions' and on finishing his 'Pee' - he gave a little shake and looked at me and sang 'Drip went the Weasel' and giggled himself silly.
Now where the hell did he hear that !!!
Carol came home the other evening and the boys were lounging on the sofa watching CBeebies and said to Harry,
'Where have you been today Harry'
He promptly pulled his playschool sweatshirt taut and looked down at the playgroup emblem on it and then looked back up and Carol and said 'We've been to Little School' and gave her a look of 'What are you blind or stupid', kind of expression !!!
I swear he is 4 going on 14 sometimes. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come, I really don't want a 'Harry Enfield - Kevin' type teenager as a son !
Now I kind of need to take you back a few weeks, as I forgot to mention some fun we had when the Snow was thick outside and we had to find fun indoors.
My friend Claire had given the boys two kits for making Gingerbread Men and the boys had a great time mixing all the ingredients together. Now we had sometime before they were finished in the Oven and Carol realized that the flour that we had used from our cupboard was close to it's expiration date, so she thought it would be fun for the boys to have a play with it whilst we waiting for their G'men to finish baking. This was a great idea, well....perhaps if it wasn't for the fact that Carol had spent the morning spring cleaning the Kitchen. Ho hum, the boys had a blast. The best game was to make a little mountain out of the flour and then slam their hands down onto it sending a shower of flour everywhere :)