The big 4-Oh !!!
That’s right, I have hit the big 4-Oh. How depressing. What wasn’t depressing was the fact that my family were amazing. My wife and my family all got together and organized the most fantastic long weekend for me in a converted barn in Devon.
It sleeps 18 and we were all able to go. My Mum and Sister, Mum & Dad in law and brothers and sisters in law all pitched in and made some great meals for us all over the weekend.
We had such a blast and I was well and truly spoiled rotten.
They all clubbed together and bought me a Canon EOS 450 Digital SLR, which is just brilliant and I have already got some lovely shots with it. Time is speeding past and I just don’t know where it goes, I turn around and another week has passed. It isn’t funny.The boys are growing fast and they will soon by 4 years old in January ! They are such characters and come out with some very funny comments.
Me: ‘Harry why haven’t you eaten your chips?’
Harry: ‘Well I was eating my chips last, but then I stopped eating and that’s what happened, it’s the truth!’
Can’t really argue with that can you !
Ben is chatting away all the time now and is just as talkative as Harry. His eye sight has been worrying us and he has been seeing a lovely Doctor, who after several visits has recommended that he has glasses for his slight short sightedness. We have got these ordered now and will be picking them up soon. Ben can’t wait to get his ‘special glasses’ – let’s see how long the novelty lasts!
As usual we checked in on them before turning in ourselves and found them snuggled up together the other night, how cute is this !
Here is another Harry conversation, this time with Mummy,
Harry: 'Mummy I want to tell you something'
Mummy: 'What?'
Harry: 'Can you help me?'
Mummy: 'What with?'
Harry whispers in Mummys ear: ' Well Daddy's watching the news and we want to watch the Disney channel, can you talk to him'
Carol's Nan reckons Harry has been here before, after that conversation I reckon she might be right ! He is so grown up sometimes with the things he says.
Ben is very into giving running commentaries on what is happening around us as we drive anywhere. Telling me what cars are going where and also asking me where I think they are going, like I know ?
Still very funny.
I'll stop now and promise to write again at the weekend telling you all about Ben's new glasses and the adventures with Mr Rabbit !