The Race For The Durant Durant !
Ok, I am sorry. Time seems to be accelerating and I just don't know where it goes.
I can't believe my last update was in February !
The Race For The Durant Durant !
The boys wake up each morning around 5.30 to 6am ! and we lay in bed listening to them talking to each other. Well when I say talk it is more Ben shouting at Harry 'WAKE UP HARRY' - or Harry shouting the same thing to Ben. But normally it is Ben who is the early riser.
They then start calling for Mummy and Daddy to come and get them. We haven't braved converting their cots down to little beds yet, but it will happen soon. More about their bedroom later this week.
So one of us gets up, closes the other doors on the landing and makes sure that the stair gate is in place, then we let them loose.
For some reason our en suite bathroom is a source of great interest, they race in there and try to be the first one to get the 'Durant Durant' as Ben calls it, or as Harry says 'The Dee-a-dorant' - this is Carols small roll on deodorant bottle. It is a very prized possession for some reason. Also there are three small square bottled shampoo and conditioners from a hotel we stayed at (see previous entry for Carols company Xmas Party) - now before you start raising an eye brow re our possible pilfering the hotel we stayed at, went to great lengths to inform their guests that they actually wanted us to take this trio of shampoo bottles. I guess it was some sort of sales/marketing thing.
Anyway, the boys race each other to get theses and present these precious items to whichever one of us is still in bed.
The boys go to a play school every Monday and Friday for a full day (9 to 3) and take with them a little rucksack each and a lunch box. The rucksacks have nappies and changes of clothes.
The play school don't have the facilities to dispose of our nappies for us, we have to take this lovely soiled items back home and dispose of them in our own bins.
When I went to pick the boys up the other day, one of the rucksacks was outside the front door ?
It turns out that the nappy was soooo fowl that the staff at the play group had to put the rucksack outside because it was stinking the hall out and they couldn't stand it !!!!
I shall refrain from naming which of my sons was responsible for that proud moment, (or should that be movement ?)
I will write more tomorrow, but until then here is a couple of photos we took of the boys before we went for a walk towards the end of February. I love the blue jumpers they are wearing, my sister bought them a while ago and they are just the right size for them now.

I can't believe my last update was in February !
The Race For The Durant Durant !
The boys wake up each morning around 5.30 to 6am ! and we lay in bed listening to them talking to each other. Well when I say talk it is more Ben shouting at Harry 'WAKE UP HARRY' - or Harry shouting the same thing to Ben. But normally it is Ben who is the early riser.
They then start calling for Mummy and Daddy to come and get them. We haven't braved converting their cots down to little beds yet, but it will happen soon. More about their bedroom later this week.
So one of us gets up, closes the other doors on the landing and makes sure that the stair gate is in place, then we let them loose.
For some reason our en suite bathroom is a source of great interest, they race in there and try to be the first one to get the 'Durant Durant' as Ben calls it, or as Harry says 'The Dee-a-dorant' - this is Carols small roll on deodorant bottle. It is a very prized possession for some reason. Also there are three small square bottled shampoo and conditioners from a hotel we stayed at (see previous entry for Carols company Xmas Party) - now before you start raising an eye brow re our possible pilfering the hotel we stayed at, went to great lengths to inform their guests that they actually wanted us to take this trio of shampoo bottles. I guess it was some sort of sales/marketing thing.
Anyway, the boys race each other to get theses and present these precious items to whichever one of us is still in bed.
The boys go to a play school every Monday and Friday for a full day (9 to 3) and take with them a little rucksack each and a lunch box. The rucksacks have nappies and changes of clothes.
The play school don't have the facilities to dispose of our nappies for us, we have to take this lovely soiled items back home and dispose of them in our own bins.
When I went to pick the boys up the other day, one of the rucksacks was outside the front door ?
It turns out that the nappy was soooo fowl that the staff at the play group had to put the rucksack outside because it was stinking the hall out and they couldn't stand it !!!!
I shall refrain from naming which of my sons was responsible for that proud moment, (or should that be movement ?)
I will write more tomorrow, but until then here is a couple of photos we took of the boys before we went for a walk towards the end of February. I love the blue jumpers they are wearing, my sister bought them a while ago and they are just the right size for them now.