Friday, November 23, 2007

Oh boy!

So we were told to ring back on Wednesday morning for the results. So I rang the hospital, they said could we ring back in an hour. Rang back, there was no Doctor free, they said they would ring us back. No call. Rang again several hours later, no Doctor free to give us the results, could we ring back. Repeat this for 24 hours ! still no joy. Eventually I end up speaking to a female Doctor, who shall remain nameless - who to be perfectly blunty was about as much use as a chocolate teapot. There are no test results the sample was contaminated and they could get a culture to grow or something. So they don't know why Harry was ill. But if we are worried about it, we can always drive another sample over to them for retests !!!

So basically he's not ill now, so they aren't really worried about him any more. Despite not knowing why he had a temp of 105. Great !

So as far as we know Harry is fine. Unfortunately Carol has a bit of a sore throat and I have a very nasty bout if Sickness and Diarrhoea - this is not a house you want to visit at present ! - must dash, don't ask !

Monday, November 19, 2007

Harry Update


Well Harrys temperature got worse ended up being 105 and wouldn't drop, so in the end we had no option but to take him down to A&E. The paediatrician came to see Harry and long story short is that they have taken blood and urine samples and should have the results back on Wednesday. They suspect that it may be a Urine Tract Infection, but we will have to wait and see. They have given us some new medication for Harry and it has brought his temp' right down. So he is happy at present & playing hard with Ben. I am keeping them both away from playgroup today until we find out exactly what Harry has got. We'll keep you posted.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Burning up !

Poor little Harry is not well. On Friday I dropped them off at playgroup but about an hour later they rang me to say that Harry was ill and had fallen asleep on one of the teachers laps. So I went and picked him up and brought him home. Ben was fine so he stayed at playgroup. By early evening Harry was running a very high temperature about 39.9 / 100 !

When his temperature hadn't got any lower, we rang NHS Direct and got advice and kept giving him medicine. Saturday was much the same and it is now Sunday afternoon and Harry is still not right. He is playing and pretty lively but has a very high temperature. The medicine seems to be helping, it does lower his temperature. But after about 3 to 4 hours when the dose starts to wear off, it rockets right back up again.

So I am off now to ring NHS Direct again and get some more advice. I remember when I was a boy the Doctor would come out to your home to examine you. Trying to get a Doctor to come to your home these days is like getting blood from a stone. Instead they expect you to drag your sick infant out of bed, drive 16 miles to your nearest A&E (if you are lucky enough to be that close to an A&E as Labour have closed so many!!!) and then sit in a room for several hours with drunks and other people with contagious illness that you are exposing your child to. I am sorry but that is not what A&E are for, they are for serious injuries, Road Accident victims and urgent cases, not for little kids that are sick, that is what their Doctor should be treating. Stupid blood Labour Government.

Here is a photo of little Harry taken on Friday afternoon - poor little chap

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Where the hell have you been !

Sorry, I am getting so bad at this blogging lark. It has been a busy month, the boys now go to nursery for two full days and two mornings ! The house seems very quiet without them :-(

There are so many little things the boys are doing now. The main one being is that they are getting on so well together. They love each others company and really care for one another. Today, Harry was with me in the kitchen, Ben was next door in the lounge and Ben let out a loud scream, before I had even started to move Harry was racing into the lounge with a cry of 'Wazza matter Ben' - it was lovely to see him so concerned for little Ben. As it turned out it was a cry of frustration because he couldn't reach his latest story book. Ben has suddenly developed a love of books and will sit still for ages if you read to him, it is excellent. I am so pleased that they both have such an interest in books, I hope it continues.

Both of them have such a good sense of humour and are funny even when they don't know it. Yesterday whilst I was wiping Harrys face clean after lunch, he smeared his sticky / greasy fingers down my shirt. I had a bit of a sense of humour failure over this and said crossly 'Well thank you very much Harry'

Harry looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said 'You're welcome Daddy'

How can you stay angry when they come out with things like that !

The other morning I was in the boys bedroom, getting them up after their lunch time nap, I was changing Bens nappy and Harry was stood in his cot, watching us. During the nappy removal stage, Harry said'Oh Ben that's disgusting!' - oh boy I thought I was going to die laughing, it was so funny.

Both Harry & Ben have got a grasp of 'I love you' and they both say it now without prompting to Carol & I. It is hard to explain to someone who hasn't got children of their own, how incredibly wonderful it is when your child looks at you with such love in their eyes and says this to you. It really makes your day.

Well as I have been a bit lax with the photo taking I better post some photos, lets face it dear reader, you don't really come here to read my rantings, you just want to see photos of the boys :-)

There is nothing better than a large box to play with:



& Mummy !

We bought the boys some new toddler seats to attach to our dining room chairs, the boys liked them a lot and spent the whole morning playing with them. In this photo they have made a 'bus' and are sat engrossed in their books and TV, although I suspect looking at the photo 'Boogie Beebies' is winning !