I love me ! & the funniest joke ever
I guess I should explain why I haven't updated the blog in a while. There are two reasons,
1) We have been busy getting ready to move house, which should be very soon now.
2) My PC died big time, the master boot record was corrupted and it wouldn't even boot up. So I have had to wipe the hard disk and start again. I haven't bothered doing much to rebuild it as I have decided to upgrade to Windows Vista Ultimate, So once the new software arrives I will be wiping the hard disk and building the PC from scratch again. This coupled with the move, getting phone lines installed and changing internet service provider means it may be a month or so before I do another blog entry. So bear with me.
I have been trying to teach Harry to say 'I love you' which he got and after prompting he would say it, it was very cute. But all of a sudden he has started saying 'I love me !'
I have no idea where he has got this from, but I think he knows he is being funny and now won't say 'I love you' at all. Little monkey !
Harry also came out with his first joke this month. It goes like this.....
Harry: 'Knock Knock'
Me: 'Who's there'
Harry 'Orgey' (Harrys word for Orange)
Me: 'Orange who?'
Harry: ' Orgey whoooooooooooo'
He then giggles himself silly. Now I have been trying to work out where he has got this from. The I saw an episode of 'Little Bear', during the story Little Bear comes out with this joke.
Knock Knock
Who's there
Banana who?
Knock Knock
Who's there
Banana who?
Knock Knock
Who's there
Banana who?
Knock Knock
Who's there
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana again
(well the program is for kids)
So we are guessing this is where he has got this joke from. He is just absorbing things left, right and centre at present. He is now saying 'Of course' in the right context, which is a little spooky.
Ben is coming along wonderfully as well, he is saying so much more and is chatting all the time, he desperately wants to talk more and is make a real effort to do so. It is lovely. It is quite hard to know how many words he does know, because he will often say something and it is crystal clear, but when you try and get him to say it again, he won't. In fact he pronounces a lot of words clearer and more accurate than Harry does sometimes, but he just can't be bothered to say them more than once. It is very frustrating.
It was the boys cousin Amys' birthday the other day, so we all went over to spend the day with them. Carols brother Robert has just moved house and they are now living in a little village. There is a peacock that comes to visit them each day.
Here are the photos:

Well as I sit here typing this, there is the most horrendous smell creeping upstairs from the lounge, so I am guessing one of them has done a very nasty nappy !
Ah! the joys of fatherhood never end !!!
See you all in about a months time or so. Bye for now.
1) We have been busy getting ready to move house, which should be very soon now.
2) My PC died big time, the master boot record was corrupted and it wouldn't even boot up. So I have had to wipe the hard disk and start again. I haven't bothered doing much to rebuild it as I have decided to upgrade to Windows Vista Ultimate, So once the new software arrives I will be wiping the hard disk and building the PC from scratch again. This coupled with the move, getting phone lines installed and changing internet service provider means it may be a month or so before I do another blog entry. So bear with me.
I have been trying to teach Harry to say 'I love you' which he got and after prompting he would say it, it was very cute. But all of a sudden he has started saying 'I love me !'
I have no idea where he has got this from, but I think he knows he is being funny and now won't say 'I love you' at all. Little monkey !
Harry also came out with his first joke this month. It goes like this.....
Harry: 'Knock Knock'
Me: 'Who's there'
Harry 'Orgey' (Harrys word for Orange)
Me: 'Orange who?'
Harry: ' Orgey whoooooooooooo'
He then giggles himself silly. Now I have been trying to work out where he has got this from. The I saw an episode of 'Little Bear', during the story Little Bear comes out with this joke.
Knock Knock
Who's there
Banana who?
Knock Knock
Who's there
Banana who?
Knock Knock
Who's there
Banana who?
Knock Knock
Who's there
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana again
(well the program is for kids)
So we are guessing this is where he has got this joke from. He is just absorbing things left, right and centre at present. He is now saying 'Of course' in the right context, which is a little spooky.
Ben is coming along wonderfully as well, he is saying so much more and is chatting all the time, he desperately wants to talk more and is make a real effort to do so. It is lovely. It is quite hard to know how many words he does know, because he will often say something and it is crystal clear, but when you try and get him to say it again, he won't. In fact he pronounces a lot of words clearer and more accurate than Harry does sometimes, but he just can't be bothered to say them more than once. It is very frustrating.
It was the boys cousin Amys' birthday the other day, so we all went over to spend the day with them. Carols brother Robert has just moved house and they are now living in a little village. There is a peacock that comes to visit them each day.
Here are the photos:
Well as I sit here typing this, there is the most horrendous smell creeping upstairs from the lounge, so I am guessing one of them has done a very nasty nappy !
Ah! the joys of fatherhood never end !!!
See you all in about a months time or so. Bye for now.