Monday, May 30, 2005

May Bank Holiday Weekend

Well I had a good send off at work. Everyone was really nice and I got some lovely gifts. It is very strange walking away from a job you enjoy and a good salary. I know I will miss them a great deal.

So far the boys have been pretty good last feed is about midnight and then 3am and then 6am.

Bank Holiday weekend was a bit of change from routine though. My neice and nephew saw the boys for the first time. My Mum and my sisters family came down and the boys had loads of cuddles and attention. This must have got them a bit hyper as they spent most of the night awake. So on Sunday we had a bit of a lazy day. Didn't get much done apart from trying out Harry's bumbo seat which is a cool baby seat which he appears to like a great deal.

We also started weaning him and he had his first lot of baby rice. He seemed to enjoy wearing this as much as eating it. But I am glad to say that he took to eating from a spoon like seasoned professional.

Not sure when I will write next. I have a friend coming to visit on Wednesday that I haven't seen for a couple of years. But I have known her since I was at school. So I am really looking forward to seeing her and catching up with all her news.

Take care, Cheers Si.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Well this will be my blog site. Here is where I will post 'stuff' that has happened to my family and I, once I start my new life as a house husband. Sometime after the 1st June 2005, I will start writing entries as and when things happen that I hope you will enjoy reading about.

Until then,
Take care