Cheeky Boys & Cheeky Girls
Our local council runs a scheme where residents of our town can donate their old furniture and they then renovate it and sell it on for charity, it also helps disabled people to find work. Yesterday they had a promotion called 'Twice as nice' and they threw a party for twins. So I decided that it would get me out of the house and it was something to do. Also I am starting a local twins support group soon with a lady called Kate, more on that later.
Now the council had also arranged for the Cheeky Girls to be there as part of the promo. I have to say that both Moni and Gabi where very nice and as soon as they saw Harry & Ben they came over and were fussing all over them. Moni & Gabi love babies and so it would seem Harry & Ben :-)
Here are Harry & Ben being tarts and getting friendly with the girls:

I had to crop this photo tight as I didn't want other children visible as I didn't ask for permission from their parents to publish the photos here. Which is fair enough, I wouldn't want people using Harry & Bens photos without our consent.
Now the council had also arranged for the Cheeky Girls to be there as part of the promo. I have to say that both Moni and Gabi where very nice and as soon as they saw Harry & Ben they came over and were fussing all over them. Moni & Gabi love babies and so it would seem Harry & Ben :-)
Here are Harry & Ben being tarts and getting friendly with the girls:

I had to crop this photo tight as I didn't want other children visible as I didn't ask for permission from their parents to publish the photos here. Which is fair enough, I wouldn't want people using Harry & Bens photos without our consent.

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