Waaaaaa - Brrrrrrrrrr - MMR
Waaaa - Well we worked out the reason for Ben's sleepless nights. We suspect his first back teeth / molers are coming through. His gums are hard and he is constantly shoving things into the back of his mouth and chewing on them. So hopefully they will come through soon and we can all get back to sleep.
Brrrr - Ben has now associated the sound of brrrr with cars (toy ones and real ones) Carol has been playing with him and he has picked up on the brrrr sound. Now whenever he plays with his toy cars he makes this sound and when Nanny and Grandpa took him for a walk the other day every time he saw a car he made the brrrr sound. Very funny.
Harry is still saying 'Ello' all the time, I went shopping the other day and everyone that passed us got a 'Ello' from Harry. Especially the ladies, he is such a tart !
Harry has been quiet clingy this week and had a bit of a temperature. Turns out his first teeth have finally started to come through. Despite this he is sleeping well during the night. Bless him.
MMR - Today I have to take them both for their MMR jabs. I must confess this is very scary, we have friends whose child was really bad after having the jab and you hear such horror stories. Why can't they give these as separate jabs ! It's just to save the government money - Labor is putting our children in danger to save money, that's nice isn't it. I still think Tony Blair ought to tell us what his children had. I bet they had separate jabs.
I will update you on how Harry & Ben react to the jabs later on.
Here are some photos from recent play sessions with the boys.
Harry & Ben caught red handed trying to sneak into the magazine rack corner where they aren't supposed to go. Hence the baby seat barrier (which has now been replaced with a bigger barrier.)

Tasty Toes:

Me & my shadow:

Ben's cat impression (think about it):
Brrrr - Ben has now associated the sound of brrrr with cars (toy ones and real ones) Carol has been playing with him and he has picked up on the brrrr sound. Now whenever he plays with his toy cars he makes this sound and when Nanny and Grandpa took him for a walk the other day every time he saw a car he made the brrrr sound. Very funny.
Harry is still saying 'Ello' all the time, I went shopping the other day and everyone that passed us got a 'Ello' from Harry. Especially the ladies, he is such a tart !
Harry has been quiet clingy this week and had a bit of a temperature. Turns out his first teeth have finally started to come through. Despite this he is sleeping well during the night. Bless him.
MMR - Today I have to take them both for their MMR jabs. I must confess this is very scary, we have friends whose child was really bad after having the jab and you hear such horror stories. Why can't they give these as separate jabs ! It's just to save the government money - Labor is putting our children in danger to save money, that's nice isn't it. I still think Tony Blair ought to tell us what his children had. I bet they had separate jabs.
I will update you on how Harry & Ben react to the jabs later on.
Here are some photos from recent play sessions with the boys.
Harry & Ben caught red handed trying to sneak into the magazine rack corner where they aren't supposed to go. Hence the baby seat barrier (which has now been replaced with a bigger barrier.)

Tasty Toes:

Me & my shadow:

Ben's cat impression (think about it):

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