Strolling Along....
Since last Friday Harry has made a good recovery and his croup is almost gone. He has also been sleeping very well and we have had good nights sleep from him.
Ben however has been another story.....
His cold hasn't gone and because he is so bunged up he has not been sleeping well at all.
Mum came down to visit yesterday with my neice and nephew, Hannah & Cameron. We had a lovely day. My Sister, Anita sent us some presents, some old toys that belonged to Hannah and Cameron. Some soft material building blocks, a fabric book and a lovely wooden cart with a handle and wooden blocks.
Ben took to the cart straight away and within the space of the afternoon was starting to walk along with it.
This morning Ben walked across the room holding onto & pushing the cart in front of him.
Harry had a go, but he wants to go full speed and just ends up pushing the cart away from him whilst he falls flat on his face. Harry needs to learn to slow down :-)
Here is Ben with a look of triumph on his face after he had just walked across the room pushing the cart.
Ben however has been another story.....
His cold hasn't gone and because he is so bunged up he has not been sleeping well at all.
Mum came down to visit yesterday with my neice and nephew, Hannah & Cameron. We had a lovely day. My Sister, Anita sent us some presents, some old toys that belonged to Hannah and Cameron. Some soft material building blocks, a fabric book and a lovely wooden cart with a handle and wooden blocks.
Ben took to the cart straight away and within the space of the afternoon was starting to walk along with it.
This morning Ben walked across the room holding onto & pushing the cart in front of him.
Harry had a go, but he wants to go full speed and just ends up pushing the cart away from him whilst he falls flat on his face. Harry needs to learn to slow down :-)
Here is Ben with a look of triumph on his face after he had just walked across the room pushing the cart.

Glad the boys liked the brick truck so much!!
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