How Much !!!!
Boy have we had a busy week!
Saw Dr Struthers, this is Harry & Bens paediatrician for their scheduled check up and progress monitoring. I am glad to say he was very happy with both of them and we will see him again in 6 months. Dr Struthers is an excellent Doctor, we all like him very much and he sure does know his stuff. He is one of those Doctors who just instills in you a sense of trust and you feel very confident in his abilities.
Saw Mrs Watts, Ben & Harrys eye specialist, again a lovely women and very skilled in her job. She checked both the boys eyes and they were great, so good in fact that they have been discharged now and there do not need to go back and see her. Mrs Watts is very good at her job and made the headlines when Bristol Zoo contacted her for help with a Gorilla they had that was suffering from cataracts. Mrs Watts treated the Gorilla, cured her and subsequently was given a whole new lease on life, so much so that she recently gave birth (the gorilla, not Mrs Watts)
Here is the BBC news article, typically Mrs Watts isn't mentioned, I imagine that is at her request as she wouldn't want a fuss, she is very down to earth. Here is the news
So I felt confident that she was more then qualified to look after our two little monkeys :-)
Went to the Clarks department within our local Mothercare to get the boys feet measured, sure enough they had both grown a whole shoe size in 8 weeks and they needed new shoes. So we bought them new shoes and they are very cute. Whilst in Mothercare we thought we better check out the car seats. Harry & Ben are in small baby rear facing car seats and they are too big for them now. So we ended up buying two Britax car seats. Then the fun began, the lady serving us was very good, she had put the car seat in my car to make sure if fitted correctly. Then took it out again (it was their display seat) and we had to order two seats as they had none in stock. This is were the title of this blog entry comes from, HOW MUCH ! - any way it had to be done, you can't get away with skimping on baby safety. So she spoke with the manager and we worked out the best way to get the most discount off the cost of the two seats. With out Tamba discount card, a mothercare store card and current money off offer on the seats we ended up saving about £40, plus as we ordered them off their website whilst in store, we also got more discount stuff and bonus points and money off vouchers, so it ended up not being too bad. The seats should be delivered sometime this week. Then I have to go through the science of fitting them in my car, (oh yes, on top of the two rubber seat protectors we also bought so that the baby car seats don't ruin my car seats. This trip to Mothercare/Clarks took 2 and a half hours !!!. The boys flaked out on the way home and here is a picture of the boys fast asleep with their new shoes on:

Mothers Day !
The boys and I bought Mummy a copy of DVD's for her special day and once we were all wake, fed, dressed etc, we went over to Carol's brother Robert's house. All of Carols family came round and we had a lovely day, three generations of Mothers in one room !
Robert did us proud and had cooked a lovely salmon and prepared a very nice cold buffet to go with it. We had a great day.
At 5pm we took the boys back home, got them fed and ready for bed, at 6.30pm they had their bedtime milk and were both fast asleep by 7.15pm.
At 9.30pm my friend Claire arrived, she has a business seminar today (Monday) and tomorrow at her companies HQ about 50 minutes down the road from here. She didn't want to drive all the way from Birmingham to get to her seminar first thing on Monday morning, so we were more then happy for her to come down on Sunday night and stay with us, so she could drive the short journey to her meeting. Her company are paying for her to have a hotel room at the seminar hotel Monday night and she goes back home on Tuesday.
So Sunday night Claire and I sat up talking for ages catching up with all our gossip (as we don't see each other much, approx once or twice a year). Claire had me in stitches telling me about all the questions her daughter had after having her womens reproduction lesson at school. As funny as they were, I am sure Claire would not wish me to repeat the details of the conversation she had with her daughter.
I am laughing now as it will be a few years yet before I have to tell the boys about the facts of life, I am sure they will also have some great questions for me as well !!!.
It is 10am on Monday now, Carol and Claire left to go to their respective jobs at about 7.50am this morning, the boys are asleep and I am sat here in the quiet house. It is very weird having been surrounded with family and friends all weekend, and now sitting here in silence, it is like I am the last person on earth ! Spooky...
More soon, bye :-)
Saw Dr Struthers, this is Harry & Bens paediatrician for their scheduled check up and progress monitoring. I am glad to say he was very happy with both of them and we will see him again in 6 months. Dr Struthers is an excellent Doctor, we all like him very much and he sure does know his stuff. He is one of those Doctors who just instills in you a sense of trust and you feel very confident in his abilities.
Saw Mrs Watts, Ben & Harrys eye specialist, again a lovely women and very skilled in her job. She checked both the boys eyes and they were great, so good in fact that they have been discharged now and there do not need to go back and see her. Mrs Watts is very good at her job and made the headlines when Bristol Zoo contacted her for help with a Gorilla they had that was suffering from cataracts. Mrs Watts treated the Gorilla, cured her and subsequently was given a whole new lease on life, so much so that she recently gave birth (the gorilla, not Mrs Watts)
Here is the BBC news article, typically Mrs Watts isn't mentioned, I imagine that is at her request as she wouldn't want a fuss, she is very down to earth. Here is the news
So I felt confident that she was more then qualified to look after our two little monkeys :-)
Went to the Clarks department within our local Mothercare to get the boys feet measured, sure enough they had both grown a whole shoe size in 8 weeks and they needed new shoes. So we bought them new shoes and they are very cute. Whilst in Mothercare we thought we better check out the car seats. Harry & Ben are in small baby rear facing car seats and they are too big for them now. So we ended up buying two Britax car seats. Then the fun began, the lady serving us was very good, she had put the car seat in my car to make sure if fitted correctly. Then took it out again (it was their display seat) and we had to order two seats as they had none in stock. This is were the title of this blog entry comes from, HOW MUCH ! - any way it had to be done, you can't get away with skimping on baby safety. So she spoke with the manager and we worked out the best way to get the most discount off the cost of the two seats. With out Tamba discount card, a mothercare store card and current money off offer on the seats we ended up saving about £40, plus as we ordered them off their website whilst in store, we also got more discount stuff and bonus points and money off vouchers, so it ended up not being too bad. The seats should be delivered sometime this week. Then I have to go through the science of fitting them in my car, (oh yes, on top of the two rubber seat protectors we also bought so that the baby car seats don't ruin my car seats. This trip to Mothercare/Clarks took 2 and a half hours !!!. The boys flaked out on the way home and here is a picture of the boys fast asleep with their new shoes on:

Mothers Day !
The boys and I bought Mummy a copy of DVD's for her special day and once we were all wake, fed, dressed etc, we went over to Carol's brother Robert's house. All of Carols family came round and we had a lovely day, three generations of Mothers in one room !
Robert did us proud and had cooked a lovely salmon and prepared a very nice cold buffet to go with it. We had a great day.
At 5pm we took the boys back home, got them fed and ready for bed, at 6.30pm they had their bedtime milk and were both fast asleep by 7.15pm.
At 9.30pm my friend Claire arrived, she has a business seminar today (Monday) and tomorrow at her companies HQ about 50 minutes down the road from here. She didn't want to drive all the way from Birmingham to get to her seminar first thing on Monday morning, so we were more then happy for her to come down on Sunday night and stay with us, so she could drive the short journey to her meeting. Her company are paying for her to have a hotel room at the seminar hotel Monday night and she goes back home on Tuesday.
So Sunday night Claire and I sat up talking for ages catching up with all our gossip (as we don't see each other much, approx once or twice a year). Claire had me in stitches telling me about all the questions her daughter had after having her womens reproduction lesson at school. As funny as they were, I am sure Claire would not wish me to repeat the details of the conversation she had with her daughter.
I am laughing now as it will be a few years yet before I have to tell the boys about the facts of life, I am sure they will also have some great questions for me as well !!!.
It is 10am on Monday now, Carol and Claire left to go to their respective jobs at about 7.50am this morning, the boys are asleep and I am sat here in the quiet house. It is very weird having been surrounded with family and friends all weekend, and now sitting here in silence, it is like I am the last person on earth ! Spooky...
More soon, bye :-)
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