'Sleep those little slices of death, how I loath them'
- Edgar Alan Poe, born in Boston, Jan. 19, 1809, died Oct. 7, 1849
Edgar Alan Poe might have been one of the founding fathers of the Detective and psychological thriller genres, but when it came to subject of sleep to be perfectly blunt he was an arse!
There are some things worth pointing out here:
1) He hated sleep and pushed himself the whole time, burning the candle at both ends, gambling and drinking. He lived for 40 years - what does that tell you !
2) Although married he never had any children, so never had the experience of wanting desperately to sleep but being denied it by a crying baby. So he might not have liked sleep but he never had to endure forced sleep deprivation. If he had I bet his opinion would have changed.
3) In a brief obituary the Baltimore Clipper reported that Poe had died of "congestion of the brain." - Well if he had slept more like everyone else, he would have enjoyed REM sleep and his brain would have had the opportunity to clear out the rubbish it didn't need that it had accumulated during the day. (Ok this one is stretching it a bit granted - Post mortems in the late 1800's weren't very scientific, 'congestion of the brain' !!! LOL)
As you can guess, Carol & I have not had much sleep this week. Both of our little chaps have got colds and their little noses, which are normally very cute, are now 'icky' with rivers of snot. Not very cute at all. So they are not sleeping well because they are all bunged up one minute and running like mad the next. Harry woke up at 3.30am on Saturday and in the end I had to sit with him in the lounge until 5.30am when Ben woke up and Carol came down stairs. I then went back to bed for a few hours.
Will we ever have another nights undisturbed sleep ?
- Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Todays picture is of Ben. We had to put a child seat in front of the sofa and cabinate in the lounge to prevent Harry & Ben getting into the corner and eating the newspapers and magazines in our rack that sits there.
Unfortunately Ben has developed a cunning way around this. He crawls up to the back of the chair and then climbs over the top and falls/slides down into the chair seat on his tummy and then crawls out of the bottom of the chair into the corner to get at the magazines etc.
Ben caught in the act:
- Edgar Alan Poe, born in Boston, Jan. 19, 1809, died Oct. 7, 1849
Edgar Alan Poe might have been one of the founding fathers of the Detective and psychological thriller genres, but when it came to subject of sleep to be perfectly blunt he was an arse!
There are some things worth pointing out here:
1) He hated sleep and pushed himself the whole time, burning the candle at both ends, gambling and drinking. He lived for 40 years - what does that tell you !
2) Although married he never had any children, so never had the experience of wanting desperately to sleep but being denied it by a crying baby. So he might not have liked sleep but he never had to endure forced sleep deprivation. If he had I bet his opinion would have changed.
3) In a brief obituary the Baltimore Clipper reported that Poe had died of "congestion of the brain." - Well if he had slept more like everyone else, he would have enjoyed REM sleep and his brain would have had the opportunity to clear out the rubbish it didn't need that it had accumulated during the day. (Ok this one is stretching it a bit granted - Post mortems in the late 1800's weren't very scientific, 'congestion of the brain' !!! LOL)
As you can guess, Carol & I have not had much sleep this week. Both of our little chaps have got colds and their little noses, which are normally very cute, are now 'icky' with rivers of snot. Not very cute at all. So they are not sleeping well because they are all bunged up one minute and running like mad the next. Harry woke up at 3.30am on Saturday and in the end I had to sit with him in the lounge until 5.30am when Ben woke up and Carol came down stairs. I then went back to bed for a few hours.
Will we ever have another nights undisturbed sleep ?
- Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Todays picture is of Ben. We had to put a child seat in front of the sofa and cabinate in the lounge to prevent Harry & Ben getting into the corner and eating the newspapers and magazines in our rack that sits there.
Unfortunately Ben has developed a cunning way around this. He crawls up to the back of the chair and then climbs over the top and falls/slides down into the chair seat on his tummy and then crawls out of the bottom of the chair into the corner to get at the magazines etc.
Ben caught in the act:

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