Friday, August 05, 2005

End of an era ?

Ok I warn you now this post is a political one and I am about to have a right old rant, so if you just want to know about Harry & Ben read the last post before this one.

Right here goes......

It is sad to think that the Winchester Neonatal Unit is under threat of closure, all because of funding issues and the NHS debt in Hampshire. It is criminal that they are thinking of closing it down, it has one of the highest success rates in the UK and in fact is one of only a few that can take 25 week old prem babies. They have admitted and cared for babies that have been refered to them from as far away as Bristol and further. They have also done a large amount of research work that has benefitted other units around the UK (probably the world).

The plan is that they are thinking of closing it down and moving it all down to Southampton. Southampton is very good, but is already over worked and can't cope with a greater volume than it is already taking. Also because it is so large and the staff have so much to do, there isn't the personal touch that you get with Winchester.

At Winchester you get to know all the staff, they become part of your family and you know that they have a real compassion for your babies. It isn't a job for them, it's a vocation and it shows. They are incredible. I can't believe they are thinking of closing it down. Especially as the bloody South East Regional Assembly want to build 6000 new homes every year for the next 20 years in Hampshire !!!!

Where will all these babies go when they need special care ?

It makes me so mad, especially as no one actually elected the South East Regional Assembly, no one had a vote to say who they wanted on it. They just aren't listening to the people of Hampshire and as they aren't elected they don't have to care about pissing off the electorate.

I wouldn't want to wish a premature birth on any mother, but perhaps if some of South East Regional Assembly members experienced the Winchester Neonatal Unit they would appreciate what an asset it is to the South of England.

Whilst I appreciate that the South East Regional Assembly aren't the ones wanting to close the unit down, you'd like to think that the NHS review team might take into consideration the huge population expansion that is planned and factor that into their decision making.

The world has gone mad !


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